Official Website: LyndsyFonseca

Welcome to the Official Website for 'The Young and the Restless' and 'Nikita' star, Lyndsy Fonseca.

You can catch up with Lyndsy's most recent TV performance on Marvel's Agent Carter as Angie Martinelli in Season 1. You can next find her in ScreenMediaFilms new mini series, Curvature.
We all know that Lyndsy's got a heart of gold and currently she's working alongside the Trusteeship Institute on Crowdrise to raise money for the Haiti Orphanage Sponsorship Trust. The aim is to give them a hand up, not a hand out.

Any amount helps tremendously and if you would like to donate to Lyndsy's team you can head to her Team page HERE. For a limited time, Lyndsy is also offering to personally email each person who donates to the crowdrise, so donate today!

FONSECANET • The Official Lyndsy Fonseca Website!The Official Lyndsy Fonseca Website

Last night Lyndsy attended the gallery opening of acclaimed photographer and friend Tyler Shields show “Life is Not A Fairytale”. Lyndsy has shot with Tyler a few times and recently tweeted that there may be another photoshoot on the way in upcoming months. We’ve got 10 HQ photos and 3 MQ photos for you in the gallery.

I love Tyler and his work, he is amazing and very good to the fansites and fans he meets along his journey’s. Tyler has always been ridiculously good to me in terms of my sites and always lets me use his photos in my layouts and whatnot. I love promoting his work, he’s insane and funny and just an all around great guy. His public show is TODAY and ONLY TODAY at 2476 Hunter St in Los Angeles so if you are in the area GO! I WISH I could be there.


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