Warning: If you’ve yet to watch Friday’s Nikita, avert your eyes now. Everyone else, read on…
Everything changed on Nikita this Friday, when Alex — who has seemed a little off since being kidnapped by Amanda, no? — took the matter of “freeing” Division into her own hands.
What exactly that meant wasn’t entirely clear at first, only that someone (ahem, Alex) was forming a mutiny of sorts among the non-inner-circle agents in hopes of putting an end to the underground organization that had been (unintentionally) taking innocent lives.
Alex, however, was unable to keep her secret from Ryan, and as a result found herself holding her boss and friend at gunpoint. Flashing between her current circumstances and those that seemingly happened to her in one of Amanda’s creepy brain-surgery chairs back in South Ossetia, Nikita’s protege pulled the trigger and left Ryan for dead.
With the Division boss clinging to life (unconsciously), Alex was able to convince Michael and Nikita that a rogue operative had done the damage, thus buying herself — and her covert mission — a little more time.
Here, Lyndsy Fonseca breaks down for TVLine her alter ego’s game-changing move, discusses Amanda’s powerful hold over the misguided agent and reveals the twists and turns ahead for Division at the end of the CW saga’s third season.
TVLINE | This has been such a great season for you and Alex.
The first part of this season I didn’t really know where I stood. I was in Division and was an agent, but I wasn’t really. I had this other life as Alexandra Udinov and it was cool because Alex was feeling that way and it’s how I felt as an actress. Then as the season went on, the writers were so great at giving Alex’s relationship with Amanda more thought… The second half of the season has just been so fun and challenging. I loved it.TVLINE | What was your reaction to learning that Amanda was going to mess with Alex in such a major way?
The thing is, Amanda didn’t change her as a person; she just went into Alex’s brain and unplugged a couple things and then plugged them back into the wrong holes — she switched the wires. [Laughs] Basically, everything Alex is saying is stuff that she and Nikita have agreed on before and felt passionate about. But now she’s making connections and creating things that don’t really fit. Some things are true, but she wouldn’t have gone about it in this way prior to Amanda doing that rewiring. It’s Alex being very Alex and Alex being very irrational. It’s really fun to play because it kicks her into overdrive.
To check out the rest of the interview with Lyndsy, head over to TVLine
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