Facts about Lyndsy Answered by Lyndsy in 2011
Compare Lyndsy’s answers from her Fun Facts 2003
Full Name: Lyndsy Marie Fonseca
Birthday: Jan. 7th 1987
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5’5″
Favorite Actor: Kate Winslet, cate blanchet, Marion Cotillard,Daniel Day-Lewis, Tom Hanks, Tom Wilkenson
Favorite Movie: Girl, Interrupted, In America, Funny Girl, La Vien Rose
Favorite TV Shows: Glee, Modern Family, Community, Breaking Bad
Favorite Singers: Ryan Adams, Fiona Apple, Adele, Florence+ the Machine, Beth Hart, Broken Bells, Doll and the Kicks
Favorite Book: The Four Agreements, The Glass Castle, anything by Roald Dahl and Slyvia Plath
Favorite Food : Sushi
Least Favorite Food: Mushrooms
Favorite Comfort Food: Bread!!
Favorite Song: Never is a Promise by Fiona Apple, Crosses by Jose Gonzalez
Nobody Knows I Can’t: balance my own check book!! terrible with numbers.
Greatest Achievement : Having incredible relationships with my friends and family.
If I Couldn’t Be An Actor: I’d be a tap dancer….
My Treasured Possession: My stuffed bunny
Most Embarrassing Moment: It was my fourth day at Y&R, I was up soon, and I ran to the bathroom. When I was walking back, people were saying, “You have something on your leg,” and I looked down and there was toilet paper inside my pants and looped under my shoe.
Best Quality: I am very outgoing. I love people and picking up conversations with anyone.
Worst habit: I bite my nails.
Thing That Makes Me See Red: child abuse and animal abuse.
What I Dislike Most About My Appearance :I try everyday to love it all!! just like every other woman should (credit nguyen here). There is too much pressure out there already so we shouldn’t put anymore on ourselves!!
Smartest Thing I Ever Did: Smartest Thing I Ever Did: hopefully it’s yet to come. lol
Greatest love: My Parents my sister and Romi!!
Quality I Like Most In A Mate : honesty
My Hero: My Mom
These Fun Facts are from a questionairre FonsecaNet had Lyndsy filled out. Please do not use these facts elsewhere without permission from the staff of FonsecaNet
Additional Facts
Were you wondering?
Does Lyndsy have pets? Yes! Lyndsy has 2 dogs and 2 cats
What languages does Lyndsy speak? English, is learning French, and has learned a bit of Russian for her role on Nikita. Lyndsy does NOT speak Portuguese, although can understand it when her grandmother speaks it.
Does Lyndsy actually have Tattoos? Yes she does! The most visable ones are the letters “Fe” on her inner wrist which means “Faith” in Portguguese, and her sisters name written in Hebrew on her inner arm.